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iWorld by Sharad Agarwal

AJAX - Who?

AJAX, short for Asynchronous Java Script and XML, is a web development technique for engineering interactive web applications. It was invented with the hopes of allowing web pages to react quickly by exchanging small amounts of data with the server (in a covert fashion) without the need of the entire web page to be reloaded with every change request. This ability facilitates interactivity, speed, and usability.

An example of AJAX in action is the applications of Google Suggest and Google Maps. In using the former, suggested terms appear and modify themselves as the user types instantaneously. The latter allows the user to zoom in, use the cursor to apprehend the map and scroll around without the page needing to be reloaded.

AJAX represents a synergy of technologies infused together to allow powerful possibilities. AJAX entails:

  • Standards based presentation using XHTML and CSS

  • Versatile display and usability using the Document Object Model

  • Data interaction and modification using XML and XSLT

  • Asynchronous data retrieval issuing XML Http Request

An AJAX application is equipped with an AJAX engine filling the gap between the user and the server. This "middle man" does not prolong the process but expedites the process. An AJAX engine written in JavaScript and remaining incognito behind a frame is responsible for presenting the interface the user views and interacting with the server for the user. The interactions happen asynchronously (independent of relations with the server). The user never views a blank browser window or hourglass icon.

User actions that would warrant an HTTP request is replaced by a JavaScript call to the AJAX engine. Data validation, editing data in memory, and some navigation is handled solely by the AJAX engine. The engine will make requests for information from the server asynchronously (usually using XML) without prolonging the user's interaction.

Who's using AJAX?

Cyber Gear is making AJAX available to clients! AJAX is versatile enough to use in small to large applications and is technically sound! Write in if you are interested in deploying state-of-the-art technology.

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