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iWorld by Sharad Agarwal

Retail Intelligence: Immersive Online Shopping is for those of us who like to shop. Stroll down an aisle with hundreds of items on display. Pause when something catches your eye. Browse and linger while discovering new things. That’s what real shopping is about, and that’s what makes Kinset the first online shopping that’s truly enjoyable.

Kinset is the leader in the development of 3D immersive online stores. The software allows shoppers to shop inside virtual stores that stock thousands of items and feel like the stores at their local shopping center. Shoppers can chat with store clerks, and shop with friends. It is designed to appeal to shoppers who enjoy shopping, and prefer shopping in stores to shopping on web pages.

Immersive 3D environments have been used successfully for many purposes. For game players, they have provided many different imaginary worlds. They are being used to create intensely social, virtual living spaces that become consuming hobbies for the participants. Mirror 3D worlds, ones based on photo images of the real earth, provide exciting opportunities for exploration and real-world navigation. Kinset adds a new dimension to online 3D experience, by focusing exclusively on the needs of high fidelity retail shopping. Real stores are an immersive cornucopia and Kinset stores recreate that sense and pleasure that shoppers take from it.

Kinset is teaming with the largest retailers to create exciting new stores and a virtual retail megaplex. Nationwide product developer and specialty retailer Brookstone, Inc. ( is working with Kinset to be the first national retailer to open a 3D online Kinset Store that recreates the look and feel of its physical stores. “The new Brookstone Virtual Store will allow online customers to experience the same type of engaging and interactive experience with the products that retail customers currently enjoy.

Kinset software also provides retailers unprecedented testing capabilities for store design, layout and merchandising through an embedded capability Kinset describes as “massively parallel online simulation.” Using Kinset, retailers can quickly and easily build virtual stores that look like real store floor plans, then assign one store design to some shoppers and another design to other shoppers. Kinset tracks shoppers’ activity and lets retailers compare results using detailed analytical output. Because Kinset stores can closely mirror real world store designs, retailers can quickly learn the effect on shoppers of small changes in their real stores, and then act upon their resultant “retail intelligence”.

Middle East retailers interested in going online with this leading edge technology can contact

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